Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Derailments Happen: Deal With It And Get On With It.

Life is full of ups and downs.  That's a given and I know that's nothing new for you to hear.  But, slowly say it again and take it all in: life is full of ups and downs.  The beauty of that lies in the expected.  You know that something unexpected- good or bad- could come your way any moment.  Of course, it is almost never the unexpected good things that cause derailments.  For me, that could be something as simple as waking up in a bad mood and then spending the rest of the day trying to eat my way out of the bad mood.  Or it could be very expensive car problems that arise right on the cusp of the Christmas season.  No matter what your derailment is, knowing those things are a part of life makes it easier to face it and get on with it.  Because life goes on whether or not you're sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and avoiding your situation.

A while back, I decided to change my attitude about the unexpected ups and downs.  I decided that things happen regardless of how I choose to deal with them.  Since I have no control over what comes my way, I can at least control the most important aspect for my well-being: my own reaction.  I know that avoiding things will not make them go away and sitting around feeling sorry myself will not make things any better, therefore, I face whatever is in front of me head on and I say, "Bring it."  I don't care if I fall flat on my face because I know that I am the only one that can face my problems.  What I've learned from that is that tackling my problems is biggest part of the battle.  Once you open your mind to solving your problems, the solutions have an easier time getting through.  I'm sure most of this theory has to do with how keeping a positive attitude which makes it harder for the negativity to get in, but whatever the case may be, it works.

For your own health and well-being, when derailments happen, deal with it and get on with it.

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